Je souhaiterais converser avec des personnes parlant anglais

Utilisateur anonyme - Modifié par Gillesstf le 23/05/2011 à 09:18
 20111968 - 20 mai 2011 à 21:16
Je souhaiterai converser avec des personnes parlant anglais
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9 réponses

i would like to correspand with someone who speaks english
Utilisateur anonyme
29 mai 2008 à 21:42
I would like to speak english too because i like it.Before I was travelling a lot in foreign countries ,I worked in tourism but now I have a family so I travel less.
Utilisateur anonyme
29 mai 2008 à 22:08
Not a probleme at all! What do you want to talk about? We have to find a common interest. And if many people want to join, the more, the merrier!
Utilisateur anonyme
30 mai 2008 à 07:56
I am telling you now, it's not going to be a one way talk. You must answer when somebody writes to you. The first thing you have to learn is that the english speaking people have good manners and I am not going to waste my time with you if you do not answer.

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Utilisateur anonyme
9 août 2008 à 23:23
Hi, I'm Jeff and I'm really fond about english because of the land , people so special with humour, London (I came from since a couple of days) and specially music between '60 till today. I write many songs in english and really unable to write in french (what a shame !). I often go to London and big towns like Birmingham, Oxford, Plymouth and so and so... Think I really have got english blood ! How about ya ? Hope you'll have a talk with me (and iin german, if you want to) Bye bye
Utilisateur anonyme
26 oct. 2008 à 14:24
Hi Valérie, I'm Eric, I've been working in England for 3 and a half years, if you wish to practice or improve your English, I'll be pleased to help. I work in the wine industry, but chat all, fluent, and unfortunatelly still didn't get rid of my accent. Bye for now. Eric.
Utilisateur anonyme
28 janv. 2009 à 20:44
Hi Valerie, I'd be more than happy to correspond with you in English... :-)
Utilisateur anonyme
28 janv. 2009 à 21:32
Hi Peter, I would be pleased that you help me for to learn english. It's very nice from you. Don't hesitate to correct me. I know I have a lot to learn. See you. Valérie
Utilisateur anonyme
28 janv. 2009 à 23:11
Hi Valerie, I would be delighted to correspond with you and help with your English. It is a little embarrassing to be chosen from all the kind offers from other 'Copainsdavantists' and I would be very happy to chat with any of them. I have sent you my email address, it will probably be easier and quicker to use! A bientot, Peter.