Y a-t-il d'autres anglais ici ou suis-je la seule ?

Utilisateur anonyme - 30 nov. 2008 à 17:58
 Utilisateur anonyme - 31 déc. 2008 à 13:29
je voudrais savoir il y a d'autres british ici pour parler de mon pays qui me manque terriblement j'adore the UK et parler anglais alors repondais moi merci d'avance
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2 réponses

Utilisateur anonyme
15 déc. 2008 à 17:39
Hello there I'm not actually English, but I have lived in the UK for the past 20 years (in the North West) so if I can be of any help.... :)
Utilisateur anonyme
31 déc. 2008 à 13:29
Hi Anousha, Whereabouts are you in France? I live in Weston super Mare, near Bristol in the South West area. Been there 12/13 years and I love it so much I do not miss France at all. I was born & bred in Normandie where my family stil lives and I go back every so often to load the car with goodies (smelly cheeses & wine mainly). England is such an underestimated place to visit and enjoy these days. Even my parents who were very anti British to start with, love coming over. They find the Brits very sociable and open minded. My partner is Scottish and does not speak French, so I don't get to practise my French very often and I tend to lose it a bit. Scary!!!! Anyway, drop a line whenever you want... Have a good New Year.