I would like speack englis with people because I go in Liverpool at August 2008

Utilisateur anonyme - 31 mai 2008 à 11:58
 Utilisateur anonyme - 30 janv. 2009 à 18:58
I would like speack englis with people because I go in Liverpool at August 2008 and I speack hardly any English

7 réponses

Utilisateur anonyme
1 juin 2008 à 11:55
hello tu pars combien de temps et pour quelle occasion ? moi j'ai appris il y a longtemps l'anglais quand je suis partie un an à londres, on apprend sur le tas, c'est pas compliqué mais le plus important pour apprendre vite c'est de ne pas se retrouver entre francophones sinon on ne fait pas l'effort !! si tu as besoin d'aide , contacte moi stephanie
Utilisateur anonyme
3 juin 2008 à 22:38
Salut moi j'ai habite pendant 11 ans en angleterre , je suis rentree recemment en france. Mon fils est anglais. Si tu veux je peux t'aider
Utilisateur anonyme
5 juin 2008 à 14:05
Well it's not as easy as it looks. Liverpudlians speak scouse which can be a bit daunting at first. If you get the chance try and find recordings of any of the four Beatles when they speak. Have fun in the European Capital of culture.
Utilisateur anonyme
25 juin 2008 à 10:33
no prob girl ,i'm living in Ireland i know it can be daunting to go in an other country and not speaking the lingo

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Utilisateur anonyme
26 juin 2008 à 02:57
Good evening Valérie, well I'm French, here are a few tips that might be helpful to you; try to read af ew English newpapers on the internet (make sure you read only the things you are interested about), then why not watch your DVDs at home the first time in English without any subtitles (to make sure that your ears get used to the sounds) and watch this DVD again 1 month later this time with the subtitles (to catch the bits ans pieces you didn't understand the first time). I have done it myself. When you'll be there, don't worry, they've got a very strong accent over there, just be patient it will come slowly, but surely. Meke sure you listen the radio if you can; also most of the programs on TV will have a subtiltes option (if you have a good TV) Try to avoid French people (if you can)!! But soon, you'll think in English. Best regards, all the very best of luck. If you need any help or have any questions, feel free to ask, I'll be delighted to help. Eric (from south England).
Utilisateur anonyme
26 juin 2008 à 13:22
Thank you for your advices. If I have need your services, I contact you.
Utilisateur anonyme
30 janv. 2009 à 18:58
Hi Valerie, it's Peter again. You said you would like me to correct you so here goes: ''I would like to speak English with people because I am going to Liverpool in August 2008 and I speak hardly any English''. Ok? Talk again soon. P. :-)